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Keynote Presentations

[Paper 243]

Problems with Seismic Design Based on Elastic Stiffness

M.J.N. Priestley

[Paper 242]

Chile 27 F: Lessons and Future Challenges

E. Ríos

[Paper 240]

Performance-Based Seismic Design in the United States

Robin K. McGuire

[Paper 224]

Human Casualties in Earthquakes: Modelling and Mitigation

R.J.S. Spence & E.K.M. So

[Paper 241]

The AISC 2010 Seismic Provisions for Composite Structures: Towards an Application of PBD Principles for Connection Design

R.T. Leon & J.W. Hu

1.1 Seismic Loss & Risk Modelling

[Paper 016]

Alternative Risk Mitigation Techniques for Earthquake Hazards

Z. Aslan, I. Damnjanovic & J.B. Mander

[Paper 024]

Economic Analysis of Structures Deficient in Earthquake Resilience

G.R. Walker & R. Musulin

[Paper 227]

Comparison of Main Shock and Aftershock Fragility Curves Developed for New Zealand and US Buildings

S.R  Uma, H. Ryu, N. Luco, A.B. Liel & M. Raghunandan

[Paper 209]

Rapid Modelling of Direct and Indirect Losses for Seismically Damaged Structures

S. Ghorawat, J.B. Mander & I.D. Damnjanovic

[Paper 225]

Developing Fragilities for Mainshock-Damaged Structures through Incremental Dynamic Analysis

H. Ryu, N. Luco, S.R. Uma & A.B. Liel

1.2 Seismic Response of Non-Structural Components

[Paper 063]

Building Seismic Ceiling Fragility using Spectral Acceleration

J. Singh, G.A. MacRae, R.P. Dhakal & S. Pampanin

[Paper 086]

Ceiling Fragility of Japanese Ceiling Systems

Y. Sato, S. Motoyui, G.A. MacRae & R.P. Dhakal

[Paper 126]

Seismic Retrofit and Shaking Table Test of Medical Equipment in a Hospital

J-F. Chai & F-R. Lin

[Paper 065]

Design Recommendations for the Improvement of the Seismic Performance of Steel Storage Racks

Barry J. Davidson & Anthony P. McBride

[Paper 178]

A Revised Guide for the Design, Construction and Operation of High Level Storage Racking Systems following the Experience of the Darfield Earthquake

G J  Beattie & S R  Uma

1.3 Advances in Experimentation

[Paper 150]

Effects of Actuator Tuning on Pseudo-Dynamic Tests

J.T. O’Hagan & Q.T. Ma

[Paper 152]

A Model-Based Predictor-Corrector Algorithm for Substructure Hybrid Test System

Tao  WANG & Chun  CHENG

[Paper 059]

Damage Assessment of Seismically-Excited Buildings through Incomplete Measurements

G.L. Lin, C.C  Lin & K.S  Hsieh

[Paper 159]

Image-Based Measurement Techniques for Earthquake Engineering

Y.S. Yang, C.W. Huang & C.L. Wu

[Paper 214]

Experimental Testing of Full-Scale Timber Floor Diaphragms in Unreinforced Masonry Buildings

A.W. Wilson, P.J.H. Quenneville & J.M. Ingham

[Paper 232]

The Role of Spandrels within Masonry Walls with Openings: An Experimental Investigation

F. Parisi, N. Augenti & A. Prota

2.1 Self Centering Systems

[Paper 076]

Modelling of Rigid Rocking of Structures during Earthquake using Linear Functions

P. Yu, S. Gutschmidt & G.A. MacRae

[Paper 104]

Recentering Requirements for the Seismic Design of Self-Centering Systems

R.S. Henry, S. Sritharan & J.M. Ingham

[Paper 106]

Development of the Self-Centering Sliding Hinge Joint

H.H. Khoo, G.C. Clifton, J.W. Butterworth, C.D. Mathieson & G.A. MacRae

[Paper 090]

NMIT Arts & Media Building - Damage Mitigation using Post-Tensioned Timber Walls

C.P. Devereux, T.J. Holden, A.H. Buchanan & S. Pampanin

[Paper 132]

Design of UFP-coupled Post-Tensioned Timber Shear Walls

M.P. Newcombe, D. Marriott, W.Y. Kam, S. Pampanin & A.H. Buchanan

[Paper 187]

The Demountability, Relocation and Re-Use of a High Performance Timber Building

T. Smith, R. Wong, M.P. Newcombe, D. Carradine, S. Pampanin, A.H. Buchanan, R. Seville & E. McGregor

2.2 Concrete Structures I

[Paper 109]

Hysteresis Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Non-Ductile Beam-Column Joints

Piyali  Sengupta & Bing  Li

[Paper 201]

Shake Table Tests of Non-Ductile As-Built and Repaired RC Frames

P.Quintana  Gallo, U. Akgüzel, S. Pampanin & A.J. Carr

[Paper 153]

Seismic Behaviour of RC Columns with Light Transverse Reinforcement under Different Loading Directions

Bing  Li & Thanh Phuong  Pham

[Paper 196]

Application of Post-Installed Anchors for Seismic Retrofit of RC Beam-Column Joints: Design Method

G. Genesio, R. Eligehausen & S. Pampanin

[Paper 081]

Effects of Bond Deterioration due to Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete

A. Palermo & A. Scott

[Paper 069]

The Effect of Reinforcement Strength on the Overstrength Factor for Reinforced Concrete Beams

N.J. Brooke & J.M. Ingham

2.3 Post Earthquake Awareness

[Paper 169]

AIJ Level-1 Seismic Screening of some RC Buildings Damaged by the Luzon 1990 Earthquake

A.W.C. Oreta

[Paper 034]

Post-Earthquake Physical Damage Assessment for Gas Networks

S. Esposito, I. Iervolino, L. Elefante & S. Giovinazzi

[Paper 035]

The Dallington Cable and Foot Bridge: A Case Study Example of Successful Engineering Lifeline Mitigation

J.R. Mackenzie

[Paper 176]

Darfield Earthquake 2010: Lateral Spreading Actions on the Dallington Pedestrian Bridge

M. Le Heux, A. Palermo, M. Cubrinovski & J.R. Mackenzie

[Paper 173]

Case Studies of Observed Pounding Damage during the 2010 Darfield Earthquake

G.L. Cole, R.P. Dhakal, A.J. Carr & D.K. Bull

[Paper 052]

Field Measurements of Lateral Spreading following the 2010 Darfield Earthquake

K. Robinson, M. Cubrinovski, P. Kailey & R.P. Orense

Poster Poster Presentations

[Paper 013]

NZS1170.5:2004 Site Subsoil Classification of Lower Hutt

D. Boon, N.D. Perrin, G.D. Dellow, R. Van Dissen & B. Lukovic

[Paper 021]

Earthquake Information and Household Preparedness: Results of Interviews with Residents in Timaru, Wanganui and Napier

J.S. Becker, D.M. Johnston, D. Paton & K. Ronan

[Paper 029]

The 1948 (Ms 8.2) Lady Caycay Earthquake and Tsunami and its Possible Socio-Economic Impact to Western Visayan Communities in the Philippines

M.L.P. Bautista, B.C. Bautista, I.C. Narag, R.A. Atando & E.P. Relota

[Paper 046]

Considering Cumulative Seismic Experience and Ageing Effects in Liquefaction Analysis

Philip J. Clayton, René  Sonnenberg & Jitendra K. Bothara

[Paper 061]

Response of Out-Of-Plumb Structures in Earthquake

T. Masuno, G.A. MacRae, V.K. Sadashiva & A. Wada

[Paper 066]

Design of Post-Installed Anchors for Seismic Actions

Gilbert  Balbuena, J. Gramaxo & J. Kunz

[Paper 068]

A Preliminary Analysis on the Response of an Instrumented Building during the 2010 Darfield Earthquake - Significant Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction and Nonlinear Response

John X. Zhao & S.R. Uma

[Paper 072]

Performance of Concrete Slabs with Different Reinforcing

A. Khanlou, A. Scott, M. Holden, T.Z. Yeow, M. Saleh, G.A. MacRae, S. Hicks & G.C. Clifton

[Paper 077]

Graphical Interface Toolbox for Modal Analysis

S. Beskhyroun

[Paper 079]

Residual Stress Effects on the Seismic Performance of Low-Rise Steel Frames

C. Lu & G.A. MacRae

[Paper 080]

Development of Pounding Model for Adjacent Structures in Earthquakes

S. Khatiwada, N. Chouw & J.W. Butterworth

[Paper 082]

Experimental Study of Earthquake Sequence Effect on Structures

K.M. Twigden, C.A. Oyarzo & N. Chouw

[Paper 084]

Consequence of Experimental Modelling for Seismic Response of a Multi-Storey Structure

Y. Chen, X. Qin, L. Yan & N. Chouw

[Paper 091]

Modelling of In-Structure Damping: A Review of the State-Of-The-Art

Arun M. Puthanpurayil, Rajesh P. Dhakal & Athol J. Carr

[Paper 092]

Violating Capacity Design in Structures with Viscous Damping and Hysteretic Damping

C.C. Labise, G.W. Rodgers, G.A. MacRae & J.G. Chase

[Paper 101]

A Damage Mitigating Hold-Down Connector for Earthquake Resistant Timber Shear Walls

W.Y. Loo, P.J.H. Quenneville & N. Chouw

[Paper 112]

Analysis of Asymmetric Reinforced Concrete Frame

T. Mahdi & V.Soltan  Gharaie

[Paper 114]

A Mechanics Based Approach to Quantify Diaphragm Flexibility Effects

V.K. Sadashiva, G.A. MacRae & B.L. Deam

[Paper 116]

Development of Typical NZ Ceiling System Seismic Fragilities

G. Paganotti, G.A. MacRae & R.P. Dhakal

[Paper 118]

Wall-Diaphragm Connection Assessment Guidelines for URM Buildings

A.R. Abdul, P.J.H. Quenneville, N.M. Sa’don & J.M. Ingham

[Paper 120]

Damage Mitigation Strategies of ‘Non-Structural’ Infill Walls: Concept and Numerical-Experimental Validation Program

A.S. Tasligedik, S. Pampanin & A. Palermo

[Paper 121]

Optimization for Performance-Based Seismic Retrofit of Existing Steel Moment Frames using Connection Upgrade

B.K. Oh, S.W. Choi, E.S. Lee & H.S. Park

[Paper 131]

Behaviour of Coconut Fibre and Rope Reinforced Concrete Members with Debonding Length

M. Ali, B. Nolot & N. Chouw

[Paper 137]

A Simple Approach to Real-Time Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Base-Isolation Systems

Mostafa  Nayyerloo, Leonardo  Acho, José  Rodellar, J.Geoffrey  Chase & Qi  Chen

[Paper 143]

Spectral Analysis and Assessment of a Net-Zero Base-Shear Energy Dissipation Approach for Seismic Energy Mitigation

T. Roland, G.W. Rodgers, J.G. Chase & G.A. MacRae

[Paper 147]

Determination of Very Small Strain Shear Modulus of Auckland Residual Soils using Bender Elements

A. Ibrahim, R.P. Orense & M.J. Pender

[Paper 154]

Field Dynamic Testing of a Large Scale Bridge using Shakers

S.E. Manson, O.H. Woodhouse, B. Li, N. Chouw & J.W. Butterworth

[Paper 157]

The “Rapid Earthquake Damage Assessment System (REDAS)” Software

M.L.P. Bautista, B.C. Bautista, I.C. Narag, A.S. Daag, M.L.P. Melosantos, A.G. Lanuza, K. Papiona, M.C. Enriquez, J.C. Salcedo, J.S. Perez, J.T. Punongbayan, E.L. Banganan, R.N. Grutas, E.A.B. Olavere, V.H  Hernandez, R.B. Tiglao, M. Figueroa, R.U. Solidum & R.S. Punongbayan

[Paper 160]

Development of an Inexpensive and User-Friendly System for Earthquake Exposure Database Building for the Philippines

B.C. Bautista, M.L.P. Bautista, I.C. Narag, A.G. Lanuza, J.B. Deocampo, R.A. Atando, K. Papiona, R.U. Solidum, Trevor  Allen, Matthew  Jakab, Krishna  Nadimpalli, Mark  Edwards & Mark  Leonard

[Paper 170]

Adjacent Building Hazard – How Poorly Performing Buildings Endanger Neighbouring Buildings’ Occupants

G.L. Cole, R.P. Dhakal & D.K. Bull

[Paper 191]

Pukerua Bay Overbridge Seismic Retrofit

E.P. Torvelainen, R. Presland & G. Gregg

[Paper 199]

Verifying of Different Nonlinear Static Analysis Used for Seismic Assessment of Existing Buildings by Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis

A. Moshref & M. Tehranizadeh

[Paper 215]

Comparison of Different Global Optimization Algorithms for Model Updating with an Application to a Full-Scale Bridge Structure

F. Shabbir & P. Omenzetter

[Paper 218]

Experimental Investigation of Nonlinear Structure-Foundation-Soil Interaction

X. Qin, Y. Chen & N. Chouw

[Paper 219]

Nonlinear SSI Effect on Adjacent Bridge Structures with Pounding

E.M. Behrens & N. Chouw

[Paper 220]

Evaluation of Variation in Dynamic Response of Two Instrumented Buildings under Seismic Excitations

F. Butt & P. Omenzetter

[Paper 222]

Seismic Behaviour of Column-To-Foundation Connections with Cast-In and Post-Installed Rebars. Phase I: Deterioration of Bond between Reinforcing Bars and Concrete Subject to Cyclic Loads and Cyclic Cracks

C. Mahrenholtz, R. Eligehausen & S. Pampanin

[Paper 226]

Predicting Structural Response with On-Site Earthquake Early Warning System using Neural Networks

Chu-Chieh  Jay, Zhe-Ping  Shen & Shieh-Kung  Huang

[Paper 233]

Evolutionary Strength Domains of Unreinforced Masonry Spandrel Panels Including Strain Softening

F. Parisi & N. Augenti

[Paper 238]

Results of Pseudo-Static Tests with Cyclic Horizontal Load on Cast in Situ Sandwich Squat Concrete Walls

T. Trombetti, G. Gasparini, S. Silvestri & I. Ricci

3.1 Advanced Control Systems for Seismic Protection

[Paper 099]

A Full-Scale Experimental Study on Seismic Behaviour of Vibration Isolated Mechanical/Electrical Equipment

Fan-Ru  Lin, Ching-Wen  Cheng, Min-Fu  Chen, Shiang-Jung  Wang, J.S. Hwang & K.C. Chang

[Paper 134]

Upgrading the Seismic Performance of Soft First Storey Frame Structures by Isolators with Multiple Sliding Surfaces

M.Y. Fakhouri & A. Igarashi

[Paper 140]

Adaptive Control of Tall Buildings under Seismic Excitation

Maryam  Bitaraf & Stefan  Hurlebaus

[Paper 135]

Development and Spectral Analysis of an Advanced Control Law for Semi-Active Resetable Devices

J.Geoffrey  Chase, Geoffrey W. Rodgers, Sylvain  Corman & Gregory A. MacRae

[Paper 142]

Active Valve Control for Controlled Energy Release in Non-Linear Semi-Active Devices

Sylvain  Corman, J.Geoffrey  Chase, Gregory A. MacRae & Geoffrey W. Rodgers

[Paper 145]

Seismic Control of Nonlinear Benchmark Building with a Novel Re-Centering Variable Friction Device

Osman E. Ozbulut & Stefan  Hurlebaus

3.2 Structural Engineering Innovations

[Paper 088]

Integrated Modelling of the Seismic Response of a Multi-Storey Framed Structure Supported on Pile Foundations

L.M. Wotherspoon & M.J. Pender

[Paper 071]

Effect of Construction Quality Variability on Seismic Fragility of Reinforced Concrete Building

P. Rajeev & S. Tesfamariam

[Paper 083]

The Continuous Column Concept - Development and Use

Gregory A. MacRae

[Paper 130]

Low Cost Lightweight Buckling Restrained Braces for Low Rise Buildings

A.S. Jones

[Paper 237]

Lateral-Resisting Systems Capable of Multiple Seismic Performances

T. Trombetti, S. Silvestri, G. Gasparini & I. Ricci

[Paper 062]

Experimental Investigation on the In-Plane Behaviour of Non-Ductile RC Walls

A.S. Gebreyohaness, G.C. Clifton & J.W. Butterworth

3.3 Observations from the Canterbury Earthquakes I

[Paper 181]

The Canterbury Accelerograph Network (CanNet) and some Results from the September 2010, M7.1 Darfield Earthquake

John  Berrill, Hamish  Avery, Michael  Dewe, Andrew  Chanerley, N.N. Alexander, Colin  Dyer, Caroline  Holden & Bill  Fry

[Paper 164]

Preliminary Source Model of the Mw 7.1 Darfield Earthquake from Geological, Geodetic and Seismic Data

C. Holden, J. Beavan, B. Fry, M. Reyners, J. Ristau, R. Van Dissen, P. Villamor & M. Quigley

[Paper 186]

Surface Rupture Displacement on the Greendale Fault during the Mw 7.1 Darfield (Canterbury) Earthquake, New Zealand, and its Impact on Man-Made Structures

R. Van Dissen, D. Barrell, N. Litchfield, P. Villamo, M. Quigley, A.B. King, K. Furlong, J. Begg, D. Townsend, H. Mackenzie, T. Stahl, D. Noble, B. Duffy, E. Bilderback, J. Claridge, A. Klahn, R. Jongens, S. Cox, R.M. Langridge, W. Ries, R.P. Dhakal, A. Smith, S. Hornblow, R. Nicol, K. Pedley, H. Henham, R. Hunter, A. Zajac & T. Mote

[Paper 053]

Geological Engineering Study of Liquefaction After the 2010 Darfield Earthquake in an Area of Complex Fluvial Geology

S.D. Ward, M.K.H. Brown, I.R. Brown & T.J. Larkin

[Paper 056]

Preliminary Assessment of Liquefaction in Urban Areas following the 2010 Darfield Earthquake

M.L. Taylor & M. Cubrinovski

[Paper 041]

Observation and Characterisation of Land Damage due to Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading

M.E. Jacka & K.M. Murahidy

4.1 Special Session: New Perspectives in Seismic Hazard

[Paper 205]

Precis of the New National Seismic Hazard Model for New Zealand

M.W. Stirling, G.H. McVerry, M.C. Gerstenberger, N. Litchfield, R. Van Dissen, K. Berryman, L. Wallace, P. Villamor, R.M. Langridge, A. Nicol, M. Reyners, D.A. Rhoades, W. Smith, K. Clark, P. Barnes, G. Lamarche, S. Nodder, B. Bradley, J. Pettinga & K. Jacobs

[Paper 208]

Development of Ground Motion Time Histories for Seismic Design

P.G. Somerville & H.K. Thio

[Paper 202]

Designing and Implementing a Fault Avoidance Zone Strategy for the Alpine Fault in the West Coast Region

R.M. Langridge, M. Trayes & W. Ries

[Paper 204]

Ground-Motion Based Tests of the New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model

M.C. Gerstenberger & M.W. Stirling

[Paper 206]

Quantifying the Effect of Declustering on Probabilistic Seismic Hazard

A. Christophersen, M.C. Gerstenberger, D.A. Rhoades & M.W. Stirling

[Paper 207]

Development of the Next Generation Australian National Earthquake Hazard Map

T.I. Allen, D.R. Burbidge, D. Clark, A.A. McPherson, C.D.N. Collins & M. Leonard

[Paper 210]

A Methodology for Probabilistic Post-Earthquake Risk Assessment That Accounts for Aftershocks

N. Luco, M.C. Gerstenberger, S.R. Uma, H. Ryu, A.B. Liel & M. Raghunandan

4.2 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering

[Paper 107]

Effects of Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction on Performance Level of Moment Resisting Buildings Resting on Different Types of Soil

Hamid Reza  Tabatabaiefar, Behzad  Fatahi & Bijan  Samali

[Paper 058]

Lateral Loading Test on Spread Foundation in an Existing Reinforced Concrete School Building

Toshikazu  Kabeyasawa & Toshimi  Kabeyasawa

[Paper 047]

Undrained Cyclic Shear Behaviour of Partially Saturated Decomposed Granite Soil

R.P. Orense, M. Hyodo & N. Yoshimoto

[Paper 054]

Estimation of Steady State of Sands Containing Crushable Materials

Yasuyo  Hosono & Mitsutoshi  Yoshimine

[Paper 200]

Snap-Back Testing for Estimation of Nonlinear Behaviour of Shallow and Pile Foundations

M.J. Pender, T.B. Algie, R.P. Orense, L.M. Wotherspoon & N.M. Sa’Don

[Paper 055]

Implications of Soil Variability for Performance Based Shallow Foundation Design

J.C.W. Toh, M.J. Pender & R. McCully

[Paper 044]

Recommendations for the Calibration of Nonlinear and Equivalent Linear Ground Response Analyses for Soft and Liquefiable Sites.

Eng Sew  Aw, Marc  Ryan, Kevin  Burlingham, Zhi-Liang  Wang, John  Egan & Annmarie  Behan

4.3 Observations from the Canterbury Earthquakes II

[Paper 175]

The Canterbury Earthquake: A Consultant’s Response

S. Robertson, W. Parker & S. Keenan

[Paper 166]

Lessons Learnt from the Darfield Earthquake – A Bridge Consultants Perspective

A.G. Rooke & M.J. Cowan

Presentation 163

Performance of Masonry Buildings in the Christchurch Earthquakes

Jason M. Ingham, Lisa  Moon, Jocelyn  Dickie & Dmytro  Dizhur

[Paper 168]

Response of Multi-Storey Buildings to the Darfield Earthquake

B.D. Galloway, H.J. Hare & D.K. Bull

[Paper 179]

Considerations on the Seismic Performance of Pre-1970S RC Buildings in the Christchurch CBD during the 4th Sept 2010 Canterbury Earthquake: Was That Really a Big One?

S. Pampanin, W.Y. Kam, A.S. Tasligedik, P.Quintana  Gallo & U. Akgüzel

[Paper 165]

The Performance of Residential Houses in the Darfield Earthquake of 4 September 2010

G.J. Beattie, R.H. Shelton, S.J. Thurston & A.Z. Liu

[Paper 174]

The Performance of the Telecommunication Network in the Darfield Earthquake: A Success Story

Colin  Foster, Robert  Davey, Jamie  Lester & Will  Parker

5.1 Social Scientific Perspectives

[Paper 031]

Disaster Funding Mechanisms following the 2010 Canterbury Earthquake: A Demolition and Debris Management Perspective

C.O. Brown, M. Milke & E  Seville

[Paper 027]

Exploring Elements of an Effective Recovery Process

D.M. Johnston, J.S. Becker, M. Coomer, S. Cronin, M. Daly, E. Doyle, S. Glassey, B. Glavovic, R. Houghton, M. Hughes, S. Johal, S. Jolly, G. Leonard, L. Patterson, R. Peace, W. Saunders, K. Stuart, R. Tarrant, H. Taylor, I. de Terte, L. Timar, R. Tuohy, K. Wright, D. Paton, S. Reese, K. Ronan & T. Wilson

[Paper 026]

Community Resilience, Latent Resources and Resource Scarcity After an Earthquake: Is Society Really Three Meals Away from Anarchy?

J. Thomas, K. Mora, S. Murray, D. Walton & V. Dravitzki

[Paper 020]

Pedestrian Traffic as an Indicator of Business Recovery

A.J.M. Harding & F.I. Powell

[Paper 017]

Impacts of the Property Investment Market on Seismic Retrofit Decisions

T.K  Egbelakin, S. Wilkinson & P.B. Nahkies

5.2 Concrete Structures II

[Paper 093]

Feasibility of High-Rise Buildings with PRESSS-technology

M. Palmieri & S. Pampanin

[Paper 102]

Tests and Analysis on Flexural Deformability of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Wing Walls

Toshimi  Kabeyasawa, Yousok  Kim, Mitsuharu  Sato, Hwang  Hyunseong & Yoji  Hosokawa

[Paper 148]

Drift Capacity of Lightly Reinforced Soft Storey Structures

A. Wibowo, J.L. Wilson, E.F. Gad & N.T.K. Lam

[Paper 124]

Seismic Retrofit of Masonry Buildings with Polymer Grid

A. Dusi, E. Manzoni, M. Mezzi & G. Stevens

[Paper 149]

Shake Table Test of a Three-Span Bridge Model

H. Sun, B. Li, K. Bi, N. Chouw, J.W. Butterworth & H. Hao

5.3 Lessons from Recent Earthquakes

[Paper 036]

The Performance of Lifeline Utilities following the 27th February 2010 Maule Earthquake Chile

N.L. Evans & C. McGhie

[Paper 133]

Modern and Historic Earth Buildings: Observations of the 4th September 2010 Darfield Earthquake

H.W. Morris, R. Walker & T. Drupsteen

[Paper 139]

Seismic Assessment of the R/C Buildings: The Case Study of Di.Coma.C Centre After the L’Aquila (Italy) 2009 Seismic Sequence

F.C. Ponzo, A. Mossucca, A. Di Cesare, D. Nigro, M. Dolce & C. Moroni

[Paper 183]

Post-Earthquake Field Mission to Haiti

S.P.G. Madabhushi, K. Saito & E. Booth

[Paper 043]

Soil Liquefaction during the 2010 Darfield and 1990 Luzon Earthquakes: A Comparative Study

R.P. Orense

[Paper 162]

Building Evaluation Processes following the Darfield Earthquake

H.J. Hare & B.D. Galloway

6.1 Bridge Engineering

[Paper 073]

Bridge Structure Impact Modelling

Gregoire  Labrosse, Andrej  Kujikis, J.Geoff  Chase, Gregory  Cole, Gregory A. MacRae & Geoff W. Rodgers

[Paper 155]

Seismic Pounding of Bridge Superstructures at Expansion Joints

B. Lindsay, B. Li, N. Chouw & J.W. Butterworth

[Paper 097]

Dynamic Stability and Design of Cantilever Bridge Columns

T.Z. Yeow, G.A. MacRae, V.K. Sadashiva & K. Kawashima

[Paper 190]

Design of Linkage Bolts for Restraining Bridge Spans in Earthquakes

J.H. Wood & H.E. Chapman

[Paper 193]

Retrofit to Improve Earthquake Performance of Bridge Abutment Slopes

P. Brabhaharan, J. Duxfield, S. Arumugam & G. Gregg

[Paper 228]

Forced Vibration Testing of in Situ Bridge Span to Determine Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction

L.S. Hogan, L.M. Wotherspoon, S. Beskhyroun & J.M. Ingham

6.2 Special Session: Advances in Sesmic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings

Presentation 198

Performance Based Retrofit Strategies and Solutions for Pre-1970'S Reinforced Concrete Buildings: An Overview of Latest Developments

S. Pampanin, W.Y. Kam & U. Akgüzel

[Paper 119]

Recent Tests on Seismically Damaged Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints Repaired using Fiber-Reinforced Polymers

Bing  LI & Tso-Chien  Pan

[Paper 192]

Displacement-Based Seismic Retrofit Design for Non-Ductile RC Frame Structures using Local Retrofit Interventions at Beam-Column Joints

W.Y. Kam & S. Pampanin

[Paper 194]

An Update of Innovative Retrofitting Techniques for R/C and Masonry Building: From Experimental Investigations to Practical Applications

F.C. Ponzo, A. Di Cesare, D. Nigro & M. Dolce

[Paper 197]

Seismic Strengthening of a Non-Ductile RC Frame Structure using GFRP Sheets

U. Akgüzel, P.Quintana  Gallo & S. Pampanin

[Paper 239]

Seismic Retrofit of St. Joseph Hospital using Advanced Composite Materials for the Enhancement of Column, Slab, Wall and Beam Elements

S.F. Arnold, M. Chiewanichakorn & L. Toranzo

7.1 Recent Projects

[Paper 038]

Timber Piles to Mitigate Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading, Aotea Quay Wellington

R.G. Cole

[Paper 075]

Auckland Art Gallery: A Celebration of the New and Old

S.J. Oliver & C.S.M. Mackenzie

[Paper 235]

Studies on the Material Properties of the Aurora Tavern, Auckland

R. Lumantarna, D. Dizhur, P. Liu & J.M. Ingham

[Paper 188]

Modelling of In-Structure Damping: A Review of the State-Of-The-Art

K. Grinlinton, D. Wood, F. Ayan & P.J. Clayton

[Paper 123]

SH2 Westshore Bridge Seismic Retrofit

P.S. McCarten, A.S. Chew & N. Lloyd

[Paper 125]

Retrofit Options for Residential House Foundations to Resist Earthquakes

G.C. Thomas & K. McGowan

7.2 Engineering Seismology

[Paper 008]

Comparison of Attenuation Characteristics between the Data from Two Distant Regions: New Zealand and Japan

John X. Zhao & Matt C. Gerstenberger

[Paper 006]

A Procedure for Interactively Processing Digital Acceleration Records to Extract Permanent Displacement and a Comparison with GPS Data from the 2010 Darfield Earthquake

John X. Zhao, John  Beavan, X.W. An, X.D. Yang & T.S. Song

[Paper 010]

Site-Effect Terms as Continuous Functions of Site Period and Vs30

G.H. McVerry

[Paper 007]

NZS 1170.5:2004 Site Subsoil Classification of Wellington City

S. Semmens, N.D. Perrin, G.D. Dellow & R. Van Dissen

[Paper 229]

Modelling Strong Ground Motions for Subduction Events in the Wellington Region, New Zealand

C. Holden & J.X. Zhao